Justin Standard

In the year 2000 or so, I decided I needed a website, and registered this domain. Glad I did, because my name is my brand, and there are a few other Justin Standards out there in this world.Here is a poem I wrote after a friend's party in 2005 ((c) Justin Standard, all rights reserved)

The Party

Looking at the snapshots you try
to remember the unrememberable:
moments which passed from your
conciousness, like a river.

The best you can do is reassemble
the fragments--a series of moments
on film: arms, legs, missing faces,
drinks, expressions, and her laughter.

Years ago I had this site and posted party photos. This was before facebook, instagram etc. I had no thoughts about security and just threw everything out there. If you are a friend of mine, ask for the password and you may still access the many photos shared here.

Old photos

A final word. It was about 5 years since I last updated this site. Then I updated it today. I would expect more soon, but no promises.
  - Justin, 12-14-2012